October ABC Seminar: Zhi Huang, PhD – Univ of Pennsylvania – “A pathologist–AI collaboration framework for enhancing diagnostic accuracies and efficiencies”

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in clinical pathology has faced significant hurdles due to constraints in data collection and challenges associated with model transparency and interpretability.  In this talk, we introduce a novel digital pathology AI framework named nuclei.io, which leverages active learning and incorporates real-time feedback from human experts. This innovative approach empowers pathologists to quickly generate diverse datasets and develop models for various clinical applications. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we conducted two user studies employing such human–AI collaboration strategy. These studies focused on two key areas: the identification of plasma cells in endometrial biopsies and the detection of colorectal cancer metastasis in lymph nodes. The results from these studies showed significant enhancements in sensitivity, accuracy, and diagnostic efficiency with the integration of AI. Our findings underscore the benefits of the human-in-the-loop AI framework, highlighting its potential to transform the field of digital pathology.

Speaker:  Zhi Huang, PhD
Affiliation: Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Position:  Assistant Professor (incoming), Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dept of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics
Research Links: https://www.zhihuang.ai
Host: Andrew Song, PhD – Mahmood Lab

Date: Monday, October 21, 2024
Time: 4:00-5:00PM ET
Zoom: https://partners.zoom.us/j/82163676866
Meeting ID: 821 6367 6866

Zhi Huang is an incoming tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania starting January 2025. He obtained his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from Purdue University in August 2021. Since August 2021, He has been a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. His research focuses on AI/ML innovation and its application to medicine, with topics including vision-language foundation model for pathology, human-AI collaboration, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. His research has drawn wide public attention (including the New York Times, Stanford Magazine, and Stanford Scope) and has resulted in translational innovations. In 2022, Zhi Huang co-founded nuclei.io — a human-in-the-loop AI platform for digital pathology. It was selected as one of only 9 Stanford Catalyst 2023 cohort innovations.

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