DIVISION Opportunities
Post Doctoral Fellow in Deep Learning for Microbiome Spatial Omics – Gerber Lab
The Gerber Lab (http://gerber.bwh.harvard.edu) is a multidisciplinary group at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School that develops novel computational models and high-throughput experimental systems to understand the role of the […]
Technical Research Assistant I – Gibson and Walt Labs
A position is open for a full-time research assistant (RA) in the Department of Pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Under the supervision of Dr. David Walt and Dr. Travis […]
Graduate Students – Gerber Lab
I am always excited to work with talented graduate students with interests relevant to my lab, which focuses on developing novel machine learning/computational biology/wet lab approaches to further understanding of […]
Computational Biology (ML4Bio) Postdoctoral Fellow – Gibson Lab
Opening for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to join the Gibson Lab https://gibsonlab.io at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. We leverage tools from machine learning and control theory to understand […]